Certified Master Hypnotist(1989)

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Hi; my name is Audi Nova and I am a Master NLP Hypnosis Practitioner. I look forward to introducing you to a fast track trance induction experience and other important science relating to mindfulness, and the science of consciousness.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Earthing introduces readers to the landmark discovery that living in contact with the Earth’s natural surface charge being ‘grounded’ naturally discharges and prevents chronic inflammation in the body. This effect has massive health implications because of the well-established link between chronic inflammation and all chronic diseases, including the diseases of aging, and the aging process itself. Throughout history, humans have maintained an electrical ground connection with the Earth that naturally curbed inflammation disorders in the body. We walked barefoot and slept directly on the Earth. We were, at all times, naturally charged with the healing energy of the Earth. Today, however, we mostly live and work insulated from the Earth.We wear nonconductive shoes with synthetic soles, walk on carpeted floors, and sleep in elevated beds. We rarely go barefoot outside. We’re disconnected. Consequently, our bodies become chronically charged with inflammation. Earthing is the simple solution to reduce and prevent inflammation, and is as easy as being barefoot outdoors or sleeping, working, and relaxing indoors on conductive products that conveniently ground your body to the Earth. This book documents how grounding the body consistently produces these and other benefits: · Rapid reduction of inflammation · Rapid reduction or elimination of chronic pain · Dynamic blood flow improvement · Reduced stress · Increased energy · Improved sleep · Accelerated healing from injuries and surgery without the burning inflammatory pain · Earthing is a missing link in the health equation. This book tells why and what to do · about it.

I have modified a script to create an audio that has multiple streams of information and wanted to see if this delivery method could be more effective taking into account my definition of wealth.  Please feel free to try to see what kind of impression it leaves in your life.  I expect it could erase some blocks to wealth and health you may have.

w= mentally well
e= emotionally well
a= abundance
l= love unconditional
t= totally integrated
h= healthy physically

https://www.audinova.ca/tracs/hypnosisguidezzzhealthX.mp3  Lets take audinova.ca viral - It will help you but it will also help our planet!

HI: this is for you if you are working on changing your life for the better!  Success is a state of mind which precipitates dynamic action!

Get access to this phenomenal resource for creating life enhancing changes in your life. Access the 'Master of Reality'(Book) which itself sells for 12.00. 35+ audios, 4 books, and 34+ videos. Are you ready - for 24.00 a YEAR. www.audinova.ca/master_of_reality.html That's right 24 dollars a year for a resource that will change your life(using psychoacoustic sound matrix technology for maximum power). Let sound technology give you access to the most powerful part of your mind for change!  We just need a couple of prime movers to start rejuvenating our planet  www.audinova.ca/transform.html#planet - part2  the planet link for more info. Please share.