Certified Master Hypnotist(1989)
- audinova
- Hi; my name is Audi Nova and I am a Master NLP Hypnosis Practitioner. I look forward to introducing you to a fast track trance induction experience and other important science relating to mindfulness, and the science of consciousness.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
Environment: Our Home Planet
Important Information (to listen to)!
Nobody gave them that right. The Earth does not have limitless resources and it can only handle so much stress before she begins to falter and go terminal. We have maybe 20 or 30 years until we hit the wall and the point of no return. We are at a turning point. If we can get enough people to cultivate their power, become extremely successful and flex their muscle to turn this around we may have a chance. You have all the tools to do this. The program is the only cost and it provides the funds to further our cause, develop this website and grow the program. Tell as many people as you can about this system of aggregating power, wisdom and influence.
Share this with anyone who cares! Once you have started to see the results this won't be difficult. Let's take this thing viral. I am 66 and do not know how much time I have to accomplish this very important task, but I would certainly like to know that the kids growing up today will have a decent chance for a future before I bow out and take the final curtain. You are the solution and we have the power to do this. Be a prime mover. Spread the word that there is a viable solution. Create some groups as they will help you achieve greater results. It is the prime movers that will achieve the positions of power within the organization and in the world in general. Let’s create a dynamic, powerful organization that will save our planet before it’s too late! You don’t have to be a famous person to make your mark. You don’t have to be a genius to inspire others. To paraphrase John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), the sixth president of the USA: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” Send an email to contact@audinova.ca so we can register you as a prime mover in this very important movement. Lets do this thing! **The best time to use the audios is any time you have 8 minutes.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
The 5 best things about hypnosis
Become highly productive using hypnosis
1. You'll become highly productive without getting stressed
I know what you're thinking - what on earth does stress management have to do with hypnosis? Well, quite a lot, actually! You see, when you know self hypnosis, you can put yourself into a deeply calm meditative state. Stress feeds on stress, so when you break the cycle - even with only eight minutes of deep trance - you'll feel supercharged and ready to take on the day. Regularly doing this means you'll be able to see tasks so much more clearly and be able to organize yourself without the fog that stress traps you in.
Be more creative using hypnosis
2. Tap into your creative energies instantly
Those magical moments when time stands still because you're engrossed in something creative. Whether it's writing, playing a musical instrument, or even working on a business idea, being creative is a deep and pleasurable trance state. With self hypnosis, you can learn how to tap into it regularly and just see how bursts of creativity enhance your life.
Understand yourself and others with hypnosis
3. Really understand yourself and others
Ever feel like your kids or your partner don't get the best out of you? We can all feel tired, cross, or stressed sometimes and then snap at those we love most. But with hypnosis, you'll learn what 'hypnotic pitfalls' are and how to avoid them, so you don't get emotionally hijacked.
And with the new understanding of psychology the hypnosis course gives you, you'll be able to communicate much better with that prickly colleague or difficult neighbor.
Stay calm in uncomfortable situations with hypnosis
4. You'll learn how to stay calm in high pressure or uncomfortable situations
Dealing with the workplace bully. Standing your ground with your mother-in-law. Tackling a fear. Being assertive with that 'friend' who always seems to get his own way.
When you learn how to use self hypnosis, you can emotionally prepare for the encounter, taking the emotional toll out of these stressful situations. Life is so much easier when you feel like you can face anything!
Develop laser-like levels of focus and concentration with hypnosis
5. Develop laser-like levels of focus and concentration
You know that feeling when you're reading a book or watching a film and you're so engrossed by it, you're barely aware time is passing? When you know hypnosis, you can quickly slide into that trance state.
Just think of what you could achieve if you spent an hour a day completely 'in the zone'... There's a reason why so many top athletes use hypnosis for sporting success.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Do you feel like you are settling for less than you can be? Like maybe you are being left behind or in a rut of the same old, same old, same old. Get off the treadmill of mediocrity. This technology is for you. A course for participants who want to cultivate a fast track to achieve their goals. We know time is probably the most precious resource that, we all have. You have got to have an edge nowadays to not only thrive but to just to keep your head above water. This is yours. You will condition your mind to develop a super focus, filtering out the potential distractions and inefficiencies of your current reality. And project your enhanced power onto the road of your new achievements. Its like you become a super-conducting magnet of positive outcomes. You will find some repetitions in this course. Pay close attention to those areas as they will be very important to commit to memory. When you do decide to explore some of the lessons you will, more understand why, what is happening. All the knowledge from the extensive research has been incorporated into the audios to accelerate your success. All that is required for you to achieve success and become a Master of Your Reality, is for you to use the audios as directed. All else is for broadening the scope of your understanding. You can read that at your leisure. That's it, 8-minutes a day to start building the momentum to manifest the successes that are right for you. Use headphones with the audios. www.audinova.ca
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
It is pressure that transforms a lump of carbon, into a magnificent and
beautiful diamond. You will learn how pressure is created, and how it is directed at goals and dreams, to manifest
new realities. This pressure is
unlike physical pressure. As a
matter of fact, it would seem to contradict what we understand about pressure as
it relates to the three-dimensional realm.
It is not a confining force in metaphysics that accomplishes great work.
You must think of it more in terms of open focus, somewhat like that of a
magnifying lens or a laser. Light
that is passed through a magnifying lens bends and concentrates.
In this process, the medium yields to the instrument of focus.
You are the lens. The laser
works on a somewhat similar principle.
You will learn to take the amorphous energy that is ever present and
focus it into a coherent, concentrated force.
You will become the instrument that brings things into an intense,
coherent, focus. The more open your
channel and mind becomes, the more power it accumulates.
The larger the diameter of the magnifying lens, the greater is its power.
When you open your heart and mind up to the universal intention of
creation, your understanding of real power will become apparent.
You will change the program and focus, that currently runs your
life. As the result of using your
tools consistently, you will be able to step outside of daily stressors, and
within seconds return just as quickly, recharged and focused, with positive life
enhancing energy. The paradox is
that you harness all this focused power, not by forcing anything. You harness it
by yielding to it, and allowing it to flow through you, unobstructed.
The program or focus that it runs through, is optimized to decrease
resistance, minimizing any loss of direction or of power.
The molding and shaping of this reality is created by the force of your
intention, which is what melts away the obstructions of counter-productive
habits, you have accumulated from the past.
This in a nutshell is what the seed is all about.
It is the magic of metaphysics, the power in true Alchemy.
It is the creative force harnessed.
The extraordinary power of creative love, and complete acceptance of
self, as a part of a magical web.
It is the transforming power of miracles, and enhances everything.
The seed, samadhi, nirvana, the zone and god become synonymous once the
blast furnace of pure intention has remove all the impurities of fear,
resentment, hate and intolerance, producing a consciousness that is 24 karat
solid gold. This consciousness
illuminates and purifies everything it, comes in contact with.
9 Signs that you are a Fringe Dweller
1. From a very early age you have known that you were different.
Usually fringe dwellers know there is something different about them, but due to the beliefs and knowledge of the clock watchers, they are thought to be a little weird, or strange, or socially awkward. That’s not the case, they are just vibrating at a different energy level from the clock watchers. A lot of the time they torment themselves with questions like, why am I different, why can’t I seem to fit in. However, eventually what happens is that the fringe dwellers unconsciously seek out other fringe dwellers. People with normal jobs, normal lives, but somehow think a little differently.
2. You feel the pain of others
Fringe dwellers are highly attuned to other people and are naturally empathetic people. You seem to feel the emotions and pain of other people, and may seem a very sensitive to the plight of others. This is completely natural, but you do have to be careful not to overexpose yourself to other peoples pain.
3. You feel there is something more to this life
You have probably asked the question a thousand times: What the hell is this life all about, surely there has to be more than living in the clock watchers world? Day by day, month by month, part of the answer is revealed to you.
4. You get bored easily with life
The thought of a great job, with a great salary, a great pension and lots of benefits bores the pants of you. You want to live life, experience the unknown, start your own business, write a book, anything to stop the boredom of the tick tock life.
5. You are highly creative
Fringe dwellers are by nature creative people. They have tapped into a higher consciousness which requires them to let their spirits be a little more creative and to express it in different ways: the arts, writing, talking about something more than the latest celebrity gossip.
6. You NEED a lot of alone time
You crave some alone time as the world of the clock watchers seems to get too much for you sometimes. You find yourself attracted to nature, to the woods, to the sea to the hills where everything feels just as it should, free, natural and beautiful. No this is not some hippy speak, it’s a craving to be alone and a lot of this alone time feels better when in nature.
7. Little coincidences are happening more in your life
You might have noticed that you are in the right place at the right time, or you found a book just when you needed it, or you bumped into someone who was able to help you with a problem. Little, seemingly, coincidences like this will happen more and more as you open yourself up to your higher consciousness. You will also find that you are more able to attract what you want in life and become part of The Magic
8. You are attracted to lots of different spiritual teachings
Fringe dwellers are not usually stuck in their ways and question all religion, but are open minded enough to read and find out more about the spiritual practices of different religious groups. They strip the man made stuff out of religion and are able to focus on the essence of the teachings. You are also open to experimenting with different spiritual practices and see the benefit of a wide range of practices as it raises a different part of your energy.
9. You don’t want a normal job
Fringe dwellers are often entrepreneurs, or people who go to different countries to offer their services to a charity to help others, or to save the trees, or the pandas in some remote part of the world. A normal job to you is like putting a hot needle in your eye, it’s painful to even think about it. You are here to change the world, and raise the consciousness of the world that little bit more, so don’t be afraid of being a fringe dweller, embrace it and go change the world.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Master Meditation in 8 minutes a day!
How to thrive in the twenty first century!
With our psychoacoustic sound matrix technology you are able to reprogram your
subconscious mind to achieve your goals in record time. Don't miss out on
this one time offer!
Get the Book for
45.00 and get all audios and videos Free, plus the PDF
which you can upload to your phone or tablet. Once you
purchased the course - send us an email at
and we will send you the link to the download site and the course with ALL the
videos. This could be the
most important decision you will ever make. www.audinova.ca
Friday, September 22, 2017
Master Meditation in 8 minutes a day!
How to thrive in the twenty first century!
With our psychoacoustic sound matrix technology you are able to reprogram your
subconscious mind to achieve your goals in record time. Don't miss out on
this one time offer!
Get the
Book for 12.95 or Kindle version for 7.99, and you get the audios Free!!! (once you
purchased the book - send us an email at
and we will send you the link to the download site). This could be the
most important decision you will ever make. www.audinova.ca
Introduction to Master of Reality Course
Before you do anything watch this short
'Imagine a world where the trapped emotions, fears, anxieties and unprocessed
life experiences we hold in our bodies are the source of everything that ails
us. That’s the world we live in. There is a silent revolution going on in
consciousness and it is going to change the world'.
The current zeitgeist is beginning to falter.
Our understanding of the science of
physics and metaphysics is broadening the scope of our possibilities.
It may not look like we are moving ahead, when you watch the evening
news, but you know that scientific and spiritual news, gets much smaller press,
than the upheaval currently going on in the world today.
But you know It’s always darkest before
the dawn. Those who have taken the
time to understand what is to come, and prepared themselves with the life
enhancing tools available to them today, will be the leaders of this new era.
Get the
as it will act as your guide to the audios which are
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Sunday, August 27, 2017
HLI Introduces a Whole Exome Sequencing Product for $250 USD
Human Longevity, Inc. - September 22, 2015
Human Longevity, Inc. (HLI), the genomics-based, technology-driven company, and Discovery Ltd, a pioneering insurer dedicated to making people healthier, announced today that the two companies have entered into a multi-year agreement to offer whole exome, whole genome and cancer genome sequencing to Discovery’s clients in South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Elon Musk’s rocket-building company SpaceX and Jeffrey P. Bezos’s similar Blue Origins have grabbed the headlines in the space race. But there is a fascinating backstory about how the private space industry came into being. It is the tale of a renegade entrepreneur, Peter Diamandis, who founded the XPrize Foundation to encourage rocket-building in order to find a way into space himself.
Journalist Julian Guthrie tells the story in a new book, “How to Make a Spaceship: A Band of Renegades, an Epic Race, and the Birth of Private Spaceflight” (Penguin, Sept. 20, 2016). It reads like a thriller — and reveals many secrets. http://www.diamandis.com/blog/mediapress
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Spirituality and ‘Mental Illness’
Is the suppression of spirituality in the West the reason for our struggle and suffering labeled as mental illness? Are we medicated to numb the pain and psychospiritual protest related to the felt wrongness in our modern lives? Here’s what I learned from my trip to India…
In a story called The Magician’s House by Jan Dean, Genet makes a deal that seems impossible to refuse. She agrees to work for the magician, lighting the fireplaces for a year and a day in exchange for her heart’s desire. Over her tenure, the house grows and grows with the fireplaces multiplying into the hundreds, until the house is all there is on the earth. When it comes time for her wish to be granted, she asks simply for the gift of forgetting home and the good green world that was, as there is now no home to return to.
Does this story have relevance to our American lives today? I think so. We are awaiting the granting of our heart’s desire, slowly realizing the bankruptcy of the promise.
To have been led down the perilous path of greed, shortcuts, and glittering promises is to risk a rupture with the natural emergence of a sacred design. It’s a posture that says — I will architect my experience because I know best what I need. There comes a time when we must reckon with the costs of our desire to “cheat the system,” where perhaps we beg to forget what it is that was lost in the process. So that we can arrive at a place where “missing is any sense that anything is missing.”
* * * * *
I thought of this tale as I rode with my fellow kundalini yogis on a camel cart down the dusty streets of Neemrana village in Rajasthan, India. The scene was psychedelic in nature. There were splashes of every color tracking across my view, cows lounging in the road, peacocks yelping, packs of dogs, lumbering donkeys, people in repose on the ledge of three walled rooms, children playing together, women washing clothes in a bucket, and every imaginable transportation methodology from bike to moped to rickshaw to car, all moving in a structured amoeba-like chaos.
Not unlike a kundalini exercise where the mind is calm amidst a very active body and breath pattern, the busyness was external to and in the greater context of a kind of calm and contentment that was powerfully transmitted. As I looked around, I felt awash with the resonance of a pervasive peace, ease, lightness, and simplicity. Taking it all in brought a swell of an unnamable emotion in my heart. Tears came to my eyes.
This would be one of many experiences I would have in my ten days in India that would bring me into direct contact with a soul-level knowing that we are living in the West with something very important missing from our life experience. It was as if, perhaps, we had been granted that wish of forgetting the wonder we had once known but lost contact with after we collectively embraced the promises of modern medicine, technology, and credit-based economies.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
An experimental compound might be able to activate an 'exercise sensor' protein that regulates blood flow. This, researchers suggest, might help to enhance the benefits of physical exercise in the future.
Researchers led by Prof. David Beech, from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, have recently identified one protein that plays a key role in regulating blood flow during exercise.
The ability to activate this protein at will could help to tackle cardiovascular diseases as well as type 2 diabetes. With this goal in mind, the researchers investigated a compound that could stimulate the protein.
The researchers' findings were published today in the journal Nature Communications.
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