Certified Master Hypnotist(1989)

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Hi; my name is Audi Nova and I am a Master NLP Hypnosis Practitioner. I look forward to introducing you to a fast track trance induction experience and other important science relating to mindfulness, and the science of consciousness.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

We love to Help people SUCCEED
Online learning is the most effective way to master information!
How would you like a better memory, concentration and a sharper brain altogether?  Or would you like to have greater confidence and  a successful ifestyle, be free of anxiety, stress and depression?  We at IPMD (Institute for Progressive Meta-Development) believe that our outer world, is a reflection of our internal world.  In order to change our outer world, we need to change ourselves.  Our minds are being assaulted from all directions by mass media trying to program us and manipulate us to their agendas.  We need the power to turn things around.  Toward this end we have developed a technology that is starting to show some amazing results in helping people change their minds and therefore their worlds.   If you want instant online access to the program, you can access it here for the unbelievable price of 24.00 per year.   That's about the cost of a cup of coffee a month.  Tell everyone you care about.  Find out more  do it now   We can be successful and save this planet in the processAll it takes is one prime mover to get the ball rolling and take this viral: our planet needs you.  Would that be you?
Health - Wealth - Security
Hypnogogic or zen like states do not occur very often in life if one does not spend many years in training to cultivate  them.  These states are observable on brainwave mapping equipment (EEG) and MRI's.  While in such a state, you are able to influence the functioning of the brain ,  to rewrite old counterproductive programs currently running your life.   This state occurs when the brain is brought in phase, eliciting predominantly one wave length.  Up till now it has not been easy to access this state.  IPMD in the last several years has developed a technology,  that can get you there a lot faster.  A state where your brain is higly focused and directed.  Success of any kind requires this highly coherent and integrated kind of mindset.
Fast - Effective and Easy to Use
Our program integrates components of:
***hemispheric synchronization:
***Emotional Intelligence Criteria:
-Superlearning(whole brain learning) 
-cognitive-behaviour therapy
-mindfulness based cognitive restructuring
-emotional restructuring therapy
-neural linguistic programming
-behaviour modification therapy
-self hypnotic trance induction and creative visualization
Instant Trance (IT)is the most effective way of getting into a deep trance state to affect life enhancing changes.  It is information to transformation.   Sound science to enhance  your reality.  The trance state is probably the most natural state we experience on a daily basis.  It is not at all like sleep.  That's all Hollywood and completely inaccurate.  The trance state is extremely focused and a highly aware state.  We go in and out of mostly light trances frequently throughout a day.  The key however is to do it at will and to deepen it to a point where it can affect the changes we desire in the subconscious mind.  That is what the audios are for.  No need to spend countless hours on meditation training or hypnotheray.  The best time to use the audios is anytime you have 8 minutes.  We get you over the hurdles of early life negative programs which are the greatest stumbling blocks, you need to overcome, if you want to be successful at anything.  Audi Nova guides you through the complete process, getting you up and running quickly.  All you have to do is put on the headphones and do the 8 minute  audio exercise.  You will start noticing changes within days.
meditate Visualize deeply to crystalize your goals

positive drive Virtually eliminate stress from your life…as you transform it into positive DRIVE

dramatically slow aging Naturally and safely stimulate the production of brain chemicals that dramatically slow aging  increase longevity and happiness…

boost mental powers Boost your mental powers to unheard of levels…

illiminate dysfunctional feelings eliminate “dysfunctional” feelings and behaviors and the problems they create in your life…

inner peace And attain a level of happiness and inner peace you may not have thought possible…
Rudi Nowak , Certified Hypnotist since 1989 MHA - Perceptual Psych-Behavioral Research Methodology U of W - Addiction Studies U of M, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - U of Sask-, Master NLP Practitioner
new nueronal synapses created
Fig1. - this demonstates the new connections being formed in your brain, when you use our   Sound-Matrix technology (nueroplasticity).
Video that explains it ALL

Get connected - do it now

Contributors to the audios - Saul Jacobson(affirmations), John Tozeland(Master NLP Trainer, Hypnosis Tracks), Dr. A. Krebbs PhD(vocals on 8 minute trance tracks), Progressive Systems Integration(psychoacoustic sound matrix technology),  Audi Nova(guided trance meditation).


Since I found IPMD's Master of Reality Course and started using the audios, my life has really turned around, no more inferiorities, no more insecurities.”  Mary C.

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that I’m much more joyful, confident, and hopeful asI am taking charge of my own reality. The SEED - Master of Reality works wonders, all I needed was just 8 miniutes a day! This stuff is just fucking amazing! Thank you for changing my life,  Audi!          Joane - N.J.

As a father, husband and businessman I would like to let you know that I believe this is a very valuable program and should be added to everyone’s agenda. Raj H.

The Author pinpoints the needs and problems most people come up against in daily living and goes on to advise how to attain or solve them to change our own reality. This program is certainly working for me, and also for my wife and children!  DAN - N.Y.

This course is such a great learning tool on how to make your life more abundant in every aspect by controlling your own reality. Richard M.

Master of Reality made me discover the strengths, I never knew I had, to achieve my goals. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to take charge of their own reality.  Jenny

Find out more  do it now

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